Premium Spas & Billiards

Happy Hot Tub

Hot Tub Drain and Clean Service

Premium Spas & Billiards is pleased to announce a new service to make your hot tub a happy one!

Our Drain-Clean-COMPLETE service includes:

  • Inspect the operation of your hot tub
  • Draining
  • Wiping down all surfaces
  • Clean and “303Protect” your cover
  • Inspect all equipment
  • Fill the hot tub
  • Set all initial chemicals
  • Provide you with written recommendations and water and equipment care instructions
One time only$249.00
Plan 1: Two times per year
Recommended if on EZ Spa
$225.00 p/service
Plan 2: Four times per year
Recommended if on Bromine/other
$199.00 p/service

Contact our service department or call 703-968-7727 to sign up!