Premium Spas & Billiards

Jacuzzi Spa Chemicals

Jacuzzi Spa Chemicals

Jacuzzi Spa Chemicals, Jacuzzi® Spa Chemicals

Jacuzzi Spa ChemicalsClearance Sale

With Jacuzzi Spa Chemicals. Keeping a hot tub clean has a two-fold benefit. One, regular maintenance prevents scum and debris from buildup inside, lessens oily foam on the surface, and reduces strange odors – all factors making for an unpleasant experience when you go for a soak. Two, it ensures the water is not just pH balanced but also sanitary. Regular care is part of owning any Jacuzzi® Hot Tub, so prepare or re-stock with all essential chemicals, treatments, and cleaning products.

  1. Prevent with Jacuzzi Spa Shock Odorizer
    This non-chlorine shock oxidizes against contaminants and odors, activating bromide ions and restoring the cleanliness and clarity of your spa’s water in the process. Keep on hand for regularly cleaning your hot tub’s water.

  2. Clarify with Spa Shock Oxidizer
    This non-chlorine shock oxidizes against contaminants and odors, activating bromide ions and restoring the cleanliness and clarity of your spa’s water in the process. Keep on hand for regularly cleaning your hot tub’s water.

  3. Sanitize with Jacuzzi Spa Chlorinating Granules
    This strong disinfectant offers a regular solution for cleaning your hot tub’s water. Spa-specific, 55% quality chlorine formulation assists with keeping water clear and bacteria free. 

Premium Spas & Billiards carries a complete line of Jacuzzi® chemical products.

  • Frequently-asked questions
  • Simple start up guide
  • Spa care – weekly maintenance
  • Spa care – housekeeping (cover, shell and filter)
  • Spa safety tips
  • Spa maintenance log

Visit a showroom location near you today for additional information.

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